During the events of the original Prince of Persia, the Sultan's vizier Jaffar attempts to seize control of the kingdom, and the Prince is imprisoned in the palace dungeons. He frees himself, defeats the Vizier and saves the Princess. ... The Prince pursues Rugnor, who has captured the Princess, and eventually kills him.
Games — Prince of Persia is a video game franchise created by Jordan Mechner. It is built around a series of action-adventure games focused on various ...
The Prince of Persia series goes all the way back in 1989, and has had a further ten releases since. The series is best recognized today for its action-adventure gameplay; however, back in the late 80s and early 90s, it was known for inspiring the cinematic platforming genre.
Prince of Persia, 3D
- Available Platforms - Microsoft Windows, Dreamcast
- Initial Release Date - September 17, 1999
- Main Story Completion Time - 15.5 Hours
- Best Feature - The first 3D Prince of Persia game and had surprisingly good graphics and animations for its time.
As the title suggests, Prince of Persia 3D was the franchise first attempt at taking the 2D side-scrolling series into the new world of 3D gaming. Unfortunately, as far as franchises making the transition from 2D to 3D goes, Prince of Persia 3D is closer to the Bubsy 3D end of the spectrum than the Super Mario 64 one.
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