Dark Souls III is packed with an assortment of difficult bosses to defeat. But of these bosses, there are five that stood out to us personally as the hardest. Below we've compiled footage of the boss fights that we had the most difficult time beating.
5. Abyss Watchers
The Abyss Watchers can be tough when you don't understand the battle's flow. During the beginning, you only have to deal with one, but as the fight progresses, two more will spawn in. This is confusing at first since while one tries to attack you, the other focuses its attention on the other Abyss Watchers. You have an ally in this rogue Abyss Watcher, but don't be deceived, its attacks can still hurt you. We learned that the hard way.
4. Pontiff Sulyvahn
Pontiff Sulyvahn is a difficult boss that forces you to implement tricky roll maneuvers to dodge his wide sweeping attacks. And once you think you've wrapped your head around his attack patterns, his second phase has him summoning a clone of himself, doubling the number of attacks you need to worry about.
3. Lothric, Younger Prince
Lothric and Lorian are a tough duo to defeat, mostly because of how Lorian uses teleportation attacks, which can be difficult to dodge. What's worse is when the brothers start attacking you together in the battle's second phase, forcing you to worry about not only melee attacks but magical spells as well. Also, if you kill Lorian before Lothric, he'll revive his brother with half HP.
2. Soul of Cinder
Soul of Cinder isn't the most difficult boss, however, he has a larger variety of attacks than any other boss in the game, sporting an arsenal of powerful weapons that each have their own unique attack patterns. He also has two life bars worth of health; let that sink in for moment.
1. Nameless King
Nameless King is incredibly difficult because of his speed and attack variety. The dragon he rides isn't hard to take down, but once he gets off of it, you're in for a challenge. His attack animations are deceiving in terms of timing, so you often tend to dodge too early or too late. In addition, a couple of his attacks surge electricity on to the floor, causing even more damage. There's a reason why the bonfire near the Nameless King is so close by; this guy is a handful.
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